Saturday, January 30, 2010

Worldwide Consumer Electronics Market Size and Trends – Towards Greater Mobility

According to CEA (Consumer Electronics Association), said worldwide consumer electronics sales are expected to hit 724 billion dollars in 2009. (Up 4.3 percent from the 694 billion dollars in 2008 but a steep drop from the 13.7 percent growth posted last year and the double-digit growth rates of previous years.)

Mobile phones accounted for 26.7 percent of total revenue last year but sales are expected to slow in 2009, the CEA forecast, growing by just 2.1 percent this year over last year to 1.2 billion units.

Mobile phone sales grew by 13 percent in 2008 and by 15.4 percent in 2007.

Television sales are expected to grow by 2.6 percent in 2009 to 232 million units, down from the 10.5 percent and 9.1 percent growth rates of the previous two years.

The CEA's 2009 outlook for computer sales is somewhat better, with growth forecast at 8.2 percent over 2008 but still a significant drop from the 17.8 percent growth of last year.

One bright spot is laptops. - The ratio of laptop PC sales to desktop PC sales is expected to continue to widen this year with 63 percent of the computers sold in 2009 expected to be laptops, the CEA said.

The CEA said MP3/digital media players were expected to generate "strong sales" in 2009 along with portable navigation GPS units.

It said the game console market is expected to grow by 5.4 percent in units and 1.1 percent in revenue in 2009.

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